Saturday, October 26, 2013

Back again!

Yes, it's October, and I promised I'd be back! Still with an awful lot going on. We've spent the summer remodeling the house we had moved on to our property, and still have loads of work to do on it yet. We have at least now moved into the school room (we homeschool) and the kitchen, so there is progress happening.

And I'll admit, the busyness this summer had me cutting corners on our health. Frozen pizza, hamburgers, and hot dogs were rotated through the menu as the weeds in the garden grew taller than I am. Sigh. And I was gaining more weight again, and feeling miserable that I wasn't at least doing what I knew I ought to be doing. Then I had a consultation with my healthcare provider, and she nicely informed me that I was heading right into pre-diabetic status, or I possibly had PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and I needed to change my diet if I was ever to avoid future health issues. Not what anyone wants to hear, but the shove I needed to DO what I already knew to do. One thing she mentioned was to cut back on carbs. Despite knowing how bad sugar is for us, I was addicted to it. Plus, we had bread, pasta, potatoes, or some such at pretty much every meal--and breakfast was fast falling into the store bought cold cereal habit. Sigh. So I was looking at completely revamping my diet while in the middle of everything else. And I knew I couldn't handle it without help. So I took the plunge and bought the book "Trim Healthy Mama". I had heard a lot about it that intrigued me, including testimonies of restored health, and recipes that were low carb... and yummy too! I wasn't disappointed. I don't have time to go into the program here, but I'm finding it do-able even amidst everything else, and best of all, I can eat chocolate without guilt!! My own homemade chocolate products, but oh so yummy and healthy too. So, since my visit with my friend and consultant about two months ago (just a little more than half that is when I've been a "Trim Healthy Mama" tester) I've lost 15 pounds and feel SO much better. While I don't have oodles of energy yet, I have enough to get through the day with a decent amount of things done. I'm not starving all the time. I don't usually get shaky if my meals are delayed anymore. I just FEEL better. And the very best part, is I KNOW I am actually eating what my body needs, and I'm packing in the nutrition. I don't have to feel guilty all the time for knowingly eating stuff that is tearing my body down. And that's exciting. Especially when it's as easy, and yummy, as this!

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