Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Wishing each one of you a very merry Christmas today! May the peace and joy of the Lord Jesus reign in your hearts today.

I have found from experience that holidays can bring sad times rather then the fun, joy-filled times we like to envision. I've found that so often that my expectations aren't met. When I was a child, the gifts I received never quite met my desires, or gave me the fulfillment I thought they ought to. As I grew older, the materialism and focus on gifts, trees, lights, and big parties saddened my spirit when I saw that the reason for it all was forgotten or covered up in tinsel. These days it seems lonely as our families are either too far away to celebrate with, or busy. Every year without fail the things of earth fail to satisfy as I think they should, and disappointment results.

And, this year. At a time when I "should" be pulling out maternity dresses and getting over morning sickness, I'm still recovering from surgery. I missed doing the traditional baking that I've always managed to squeeze in before. Cold air leaks in all sorts of cracks and crannies. There are piles of working screaming for attention. Living in the basement has gotten old really fast. Memories are bathed in tears. The sixth member of our family is missing. Life isn't what it's "supposed" to be!

But there is a deep contentment that surpasses all the discomforts. Not that my heart doesn't ache. Not that tears don't fall, and I lay awake sometimes at night tossing and turning. But there is an undercurrent of peace. Surely, this peace passes all understanding! When it feels like it's all going wrong, where does this peace come from? I wonder that myself sometimes! And then I remember that Jesus came to "comfort all that mourn" (Isaiah 61:2) and His cry is "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people!" (Isaiah 40:1). What a wonderful Savior! He cares so deeply about this ache in our hearts. And He gives peace and comfort even when it seems impossible to have those feelings.

Look to Jesus, those of you who are heavy hearted today. He will carry you through in abundance of peace if you just look to Him. May He put His arms around you, and give you hope.

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